Friday, March 16, 2007

EDM07 Wrap-up

We have seen a precipitous drop in legacy voice Directory Enquiry (DQ) volume over the past few years but a corresponding increase in the delivery of richer information via newer delivery vehicles. We call this broader market for the delivery of richer information the Directory and Search Services (DSS) market. Accordingly, we made a very conscious effort this year to move the European Directory Marketplace (EDM) conference content forward to keep in step with changes in the market, and we see two indicators that this movement makes sense.

First, we set out this year to limit our focus on legacy DQ services to 50% of the EDM07 conference in order to explore existing services outside DQ and to explore new and innovative DSS services. The two most highly rated conference sessions this year were not legacy DQ sessions at all. In fact, the most highly rated session was arguably the most far afield from legacy DQ: "Web 2.0 and Enhanced Services: New Models and Opportunities for concierge, Social network, and VoIP Services." In this session, Simon Grice from Midentity explored Digital Lifestyle Aggregators (DLAs), Song Huang from SoonR explored Web 2.0 business models, and Steve Isaac from Responsa explored ways to deliver value-added services.

Also highly rated was the session titled "Opportunities in the Mobile World: Content, User Experience, Local Search." Jens Andersen from mobilePeople explored white label mobile search, Supratim Biswas from Infospace discussed improving delivery of mobile content, Christian Hugonnet from NovaSys discussed delivering content across platforms, Hermann Hüni from GLUE explored how to improve mobile service via client software, and Bryan Stockwell from Mobile Commerce discussed monetizing mobile search.

Second, our Global Directory Award program, introduced last year, continued to focus on innovation and was expanded. Sixteen entries were received this year—from Responsa, WDN, Deutsche Telekom, eStara, EDA, Market Location, Call Genie, Yellow Pages Group, Midentity, soonR, Apptera, Itesco, mobilePeople, Newsphone, MobileGates and Slovak Telekom—up from nine entries last year. This year's People's Choice award was selected by conference delegates after the entries were posted on our website and after entrants had the opportunity to make a sixty-second "elevator pitch" to conference delegates about their service. We know from the presentations and from the ballots that there were a lot of great entries, but the People's Choice award went to WDN Europe for their ComNote Secure SMS Notification Service, which may significantly expand the mobile directory market by allowing users to reach mobile subscribers whom the users have been unable to reach up to now.

We also introduced a specific Innovation Award intended to recognize innovation in this market. This selection was based on five criteria: service "newness," service uniqueness, value to the service provider, value to the user, and impact that the service is likely to have. While the selection was difficult, Apptera received the award.

Thanks to all the participants. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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